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Our Assets
Since over 15 years, A.F.C.S. is active as customs broker, still by the same private owner. We consist from a small but very solid and devoted team that puts to the foreground all the assets you find on this background. During this period we have been able to put together a wide range of loyal customers and we are still the only fully independent customs broker in Antwerp. This makes us the best choice for you to fulfill all formalities in the most neutral way in Antwerp, Ghent, Zeebruges and at Brussels airport, against the best rates.
We are situated on the left bank of the Scheldt, a well chosen strategy at the side of the port in full expansion, where we can even offer an even bette rand faster service.Our Service
Customs formalities are a quite complex and dynamic matter that require a constant follow-up and education. With our qualified personnel we constantly sharpen our knowledge in order to assist you in every possible way.
As a consultant we will continue to assist you to complete the right certificates and documents.
A.F.C.S. is AEO certified and this certificate provides advantages to you as business partner in the supply chain: less physical inspections and a better understanding with the authorities, in comparison to non AEO certified companies.
In case a claim is filed, we will mitigate, assist and treat this with the concerned customs department.
Fiscal representation

Our clients
Our clientèle consists for 98 % of intermediaries such as freight forwarders, traders and trucking companies. Small and medium sized companies represent the other 2 %. All of them are active in the following fields:
- Foodstuffs (meat, plants, fruit)
- Ferrous & non-ferrous
- Textiles / garments
- PE / PET / PVC
- Electronics
- Wood/paper/pulp
- Shoes / bags / handbags
- Chemicals
- Industrial cargoes
- Projects
- Many others
Our clients are situated in many countries such as Belgium, The Netherlands, Spain, France, Germany, Luxemburg,…
Formalities & documents
- EXA final or temporary export, with or without fiscal representation
- IMA final or temporary import, with or without fiscal representation
- IMA-J temporary storage on quay / in warehouse of bonded cargo
- T1 cargo in transit
- EUR 1 / ATR 1
- FAVV phytosanitary certificates and GDB for meat / plants / fruit
- Request of surveillance forms for steel
- Removals – filing at the competent service
- Assistance during physical inspection by customs (incl gas-measurement)
- Express treatment for urgent documents to the terminals / warehouses
- Input of documents in APCS / Port-Base (for Rotterdam)
- Consultancy relating to embargoes and import/export/transit restrictions
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Contact us to find out about our excellent rates and service !
VAT & EORI nr: BE0475.999.388
Lieve Janssens
+32 3 327 36 31